Prime Minister Imran Khan, while addressing business community in Islamabad said that his salary in not enough to fulfil his own household expenses.
Prime Minister Khan stated that he had slashed the expenses of the PM house by 40 percent and that he lived in his own home and paid his own expenses. “I did not start any business after becoming the Prime Minister and the expenses of my foreign tours were 10 times less than previous rulers,” he added.
He asked who will pay taxes, when leaders live lavishly on public expense, people did not want to pay taxes because former rulers had looted the country and lost the trust of the people.
Prime Minister Khan stated that he had slashed the expenses of the PM house by 40 percent and that he lived in his own home and paid his own expenses. “I did not start any business after becoming the Prime Minister and the expenses of my foreign tours were 10 times less than previous rulers,” he added.
He asked who will pay taxes, when leaders live lavishly on public expense, people did not want to pay taxes because former rulers had looted the country and lost the trust of the people.