Indian forces detained 30 people overnight in Srinagar, local officials said on Tuesday, as Kashmir People’s Movement leader Shehla Rashid said she was ready to provide proof of rights violations in Indian-held Kashmir.
In an exclusive interview to India Today, Shehla said, “Let the army conduct an impartial investigation. I will depose before them and give them all the proof with details.”
Shehla has landed into a controversy after she tweeted that the Indian Army was indiscriminately picking up men, raiding houses and torturing people in Indian-held Kashmir.
Later, a lawyer filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, claiming that she was defaming the Indian army by spreading “fake news”.
During the interview, Shehla questioned whether the Indian army take action if she provides the proof. “What happens if I come out with proof? This is not about that but whatever little Kashmiris are saying right now is being termed as baseless. What proof does the army have that my allegations are false?”
“If these [allegations] are proved true, is the army ready to court-martial those responsible?” she questioned.
In a separate interview, Shehla said, “Let the army conduct an investigation. What investigation did they conduct in those four hours when they jumped to refute it? I will tell them the details of which camp it was, where the people were called, and the name of the villages. I’ll tell them all of it."
Meanwhile, a police officer, about the latest arrests in Srinagar, said, “These arrests have been made in the areas where there has been intensifying stone pelting in the last few days.”
The authorities in Indian-held Kashmir on Monday said the protests were local and small in nature involving no more than a dozen people. Still, primary schools remained deserted on Tuesday as they were the previous day as parents worried about the safety of their children kept them at home.
In an exclusive interview to India Today, Shehla said, “Let the army conduct an impartial investigation. I will depose before them and give them all the proof with details.”
Shehla has landed into a controversy after she tweeted that the Indian Army was indiscriminately picking up men, raiding houses and torturing people in Indian-held Kashmir.
Later, a lawyer filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, claiming that she was defaming the Indian army by spreading “fake news”.
During the interview, Shehla questioned whether the Indian army take action if she provides the proof. “What happens if I come out with proof? This is not about that but whatever little Kashmiris are saying right now is being termed as baseless. What proof does the army have that my allegations are false?”
“If these [allegations] are proved true, is the army ready to court-martial those responsible?” she questioned.
In a separate interview, Shehla said, “Let the army conduct an investigation. What investigation did they conduct in those four hours when they jumped to refute it? I will tell them the details of which camp it was, where the people were called, and the name of the villages. I’ll tell them all of it."
Meanwhile, a police officer, about the latest arrests in Srinagar, said, “These arrests have been made in the areas where there has been intensifying stone pelting in the last few days.”
The authorities in Indian-held Kashmir on Monday said the protests were local and small in nature involving no more than a dozen people. Still, primary schools remained deserted on Tuesday as they were the previous day as parents worried about the safety of their children kept them at home.