Religious TV personality and prominent PTI figure Aamir Liaquat Husain has come out in opposition to controversial writer and director Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar's behaviour with feminist analyst Marvi Sirmed in a TV programme.
In a series of tweets, Aamir Liaquat Husain said that it was OK for Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar to disagree with the Aurat March and its feminist slogans, but completely unacceptable for him to misbehave with Marvi Sirmed on TV. He expressed his view that Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar had brought shame to all men with his behaviour.
In further tweets and in an Express TV programme, Aamir Liaquat Husain emphasized his view that Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar had a Pharaonic (Firawni) disposition, and that his dismissal of Dr. Iqbal and Mirza Ghalib as poets was further proof of his arrogance.
In further comments on the issue, Aamir Liaquat Husain even stated that the controversial writer needed psychiatric help.
خلیل الرحمن قمر کا فرعونی انداز دیکھ کر مولائے کائنات سیدنا علی المرتضی کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم کا یہ قول مبارک پھر سامنے آگیا
“طاقت، دولت، شہرت اور اختیار (یا اقتدار)
انسان کو بدلتے نہیں
بے نقاب کردیتے ہیں@marvisirmed #khalil #marvi #khalilurrehmanqamar
— Aamir Liaquat Husain (@AamirLiaquat) March 4, 2020
In a series of tweets, Aamir Liaquat Husain said that it was OK for Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar to disagree with the Aurat March and its feminist slogans, but completely unacceptable for him to misbehave with Marvi Sirmed on TV. He expressed his view that Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar had brought shame to all men with his behaviour.
In further tweets and in an Express TV programme, Aamir Liaquat Husain emphasized his view that Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar had a Pharaonic (Firawni) disposition, and that his dismissal of Dr. Iqbal and Mirza Ghalib as poets was further proof of his arrogance.
In further comments on the issue, Aamir Liaquat Husain even stated that the controversial writer needed psychiatric help.