In an old video circulating on social media, Prime Minister Imran Khan revealed that he rejected an offer to work in Bollywood. He was made the offer by renowned Indian actor Dev Anand. But he rejected it.
The video is from a TV show titled 'India Questions' aired in 2006. Imran Khan was asked if he had any plans of joining Bollywood.
He responded to the question and said, ”I was asked by one great Indian actor who we all used to look up to. Who in fact, even turned up in England to ask me to act in a film. But I was not sure."
Imran Khan refused to name the person who made him the offer, saying "I won't name him because it'll be embarrassing." But when the interviewer insisted, Khan confirmed that it was Dev Anand.
“But for me, it's strange. Just because I'm playing cricket, how can I become an actor?", he had said.
The video is from a TV show titled 'India Questions' aired in 2006. Imran Khan was asked if he had any plans of joining Bollywood.
He responded to the question and said, ”I was asked by one great Indian actor who we all used to look up to. Who in fact, even turned up in England to ask me to act in a film. But I was not sure."
Imran Khan refused to name the person who made him the offer, saying "I won't name him because it'll be embarrassing." But when the interviewer insisted, Khan confirmed that it was Dev Anand.
“But for me, it's strange. Just because I'm playing cricket, how can I become an actor?", he had said.