How Climate Change Is Destroying Lives In South Punjab

How Climate Change Is Destroying Lives In South Punjab
Climate change has become a grave issue of our times as it affects the physical environment, nature as well as human beings. Climate change incorporates both a worldwide temperature alteration driven by human-prompted discharges of ozone harming substances, and the subsequent huge scope shifts in climate designs. 

 We are seeing the temperature rise all around the world. Temperature rise is additionally intensified in the Arctic, where it has added to liquefying permafrost, icy retreat, and ocean ice misfortune. Many effects on biological systems are also taking place. the migration or termination of numerous species as their current circumstance changes, most promptly in coral reefs, mountains, and the arctic is one example.

Environmental change causes food frailty, water shortage, flooding, irresistible sicknesses, outrageous warmth, monetary misfortunes, and removal. These impacts have driven the World Health Organisation (WHO) to consider natural change the best risk to overall prosperity in the 21st century.

Pakistan's environmental change concerns include expanded fluctuation of a rainstorm, the possible effect of retreating Himalayan glacial masses on the Indus River framework, the diminished limit of water supplies, decreased hydropower during dry season years, and outrageous occasions including floods and dry spells. Other potential environmental change instigated impacts to incorporate serious water pressure; food uncertainty due to diminishing agrarian and domesticated animals creation; more common bugs and weeds, corruption of biological systems, biodiversity misfortune, and toward the north moving of certain biomes

Also, higher temperatures may influence the arrangement, dissemination, and usefulness of mangroves, while lower precipitation could add to salt pressure. Pakistan's Initial National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) covers climate projections made using the Model for Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate Change programming. The National Communication noticed that the effect of environmental change on Pakistan's water supply is probably going to be immense, which would also affect the country's energy supply. 34% of Pakistan's power age depends on hydropower.

Environmental change is additionally expected to impressively affect the country's rural framework, with potential effects including weakness to warm pressure, changes in the spatial limits of yields, changes in efficiency, and changes in water accessibility and use. Environmental change may likewise affect ranger service through changes in the backwoods region, usefulness changes, and changes in species organisation and dispersion. 

The country's National Communication likewise noticed the possible effect of environmental change on the domesticated animal's area and biodiversity, just as financial effects on wellbeing and food security. 

Being from South Punjab, Pakistan; I have witnessed first hand these impacts in our area on a large scale and how a systematic failure worsens the problem. None of our people are aware of climate change despite the grave threat it poses to our lives. Only a few who study in Islamabad or Lahore know what climate change is. 

As Pakistan is an agricultural-based economy, climate change is also affecting our agriculture and its impact on the country’s economy cannot be ignored. Due to climate change and its effects, our rivers are at a dead level in South Punjab. Most of our agricultural pieces of land are based on river water and canal systems, but with shortage of water farmers are unable to grow crops. When some of our people went to the authorities concerned, their response was disappointing to say the least. One of them suggested that the farmers should carry out digging on their own to make water available for their crops. The person who said this was none other than the provincial irrigation minister. When a minister has such a callous response to the concerns, one cannot expect the government to take this issue seriously let alone act. How then will a farmer survive? It is evident that climate change has made it difficult for the farmers to survive and they are losing their livelihood. 

Furthermore, people living under the poverty line with no adequate housing are also bearing the brunt of climate change. The authorities in South Punjab must wake up and smell the coffee. Climate change needs to be handled immediately.