Justice Can’t Be Ensured If Judges Announce Verdicts On Basis Of Popularity Of Accused: Raza Rumi

'Even if Imran Khan comes out of jail, he will not be able to create a big threat because now the generals are not with him.'

Justice Can’t Be Ensured If Judges Announce Verdicts On Basis Of Popularity Of Accused: Raza Rumi

The Supreme Court has now become the greatest center of power. The way Justice Athar Manullah mentioned millions of Imran Khan's supporters in his dissenting note in the NAB Amendments case does not suit any judge. If the courts get influenced by the followers of the accused, and if they start giving judgments based on their popularity, then justice will not be possible.

This was stated by senior journalist and analyst Raza Rumi while speaking on Naya Daur TV's talk show, “Khabar se Aagay.” He said that the establishment has become very weak in the current situation. They created a narrative of May 9 against Imran Khan, but the public blew this narrative by giving him the highest number of votes in the general elections held on February 8. After that, multiple cases were lodged against him and his party leaders, but the judiciary threw out all the cases. The establishment has lost the war of narrative against the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

According to Raza Rumi, even if Imran Khan comes out of jail, he will not be able to create a big threat because now the generals are not with him. Keeping Imran Khan in jail is a poor strategy. PTI will now have to emerge from the facilitation of judges, generals, and anchors and show itself as a regular political party.