Social media users responded to the minister along a number of themes, citing the lack of funding for educational institutions, the lack of academic freedom and the generally low priority given to the educational sector in Pakistan.
Where are Pak Universities? Everywhere in the world Universities are providing guideline to the Govts through leading reserach and policy papers,why Pak Unis are silent spectators? We need to up the game...Vc’s must initiate reserach..up the game guys #coronavirusinpakistan
— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) March 28, 2020
Despite some examples of agreement with the Minister from those critical of the performance of universities in Pakistan, many commentators on social media appeared to disagree with the Minister's expectations from institutions of higher education in Pakistan.
In other countries in the world the state provides sufficient resources to universities to be able to set up adequate research facilities. In our country, the state chooses to spend more on defense spending instead. Apne girebaan mein jhaanko before you start pointing fingers.
— Nida Kirmani (@nidkirm) March 28, 2020
Universities world over get research grants! Their funding isn’t cut and they have to triple their fees!
Our researchers and students do world leading work when they go abroad! It is not about talent! It is about resources!
This government cut HEC budget! @fawadchaudhry
— Ali Moeen Nawazish (@am_nawazish) March 28, 2020
When universities are under control of bigotry groups like Jamiat & ISO (Who promote hate & religious extremism) then its obvious university will produce pricks instead of researchers. Fawad Chaudhary should ask this question from the state not us.
— Sehar Shinwari (@SeharShinwari) March 28, 2020
Curious to know which universities in Pakistan have funding for research the same way it happens around the world... specifically for science. Wouldn’t you know that?
— Alia Chughtai (@AliaChughtai) March 28, 2020