International news agency Reuters has reported that Indian security forces have used violent force and data from two main hospitals indicates that at least 152 people have received wounds due to the use of pellets and tear gas.
Following New Delhi’s decision to revoke Article 370 of its constitution, authorities in India deployed extra paramilitary police, put a ban on public gatherings, and severed cellular and internet links to counter large scale protests.
In spite of these repressive measures, the youth of Kashmir has come out on the streets of Srinagar, and protests were witnessed especially during Friday prayers and on the occasion of Eid Ul Azha.
As reported by Reuters, Srinagar's Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences and Shri Maharaj Hari Singh received 152 people with injuries resulting from pellets and tear gas between August 5 and August 21.
However, the Indian government has not given any figures of the people injured in the protests and denies that anyone has died in the protests. Although, a local government official informed media that the number of injured is possibly higher than that reported by the two hospitals.
The official said that this was probably due to the fact that many of the injured were quickly discharged and are hence not acknowledged on the list. Moreover, many of the injured were not accounted as they were treated at smaller hospitals.