America’s ‘Muslim Ban’ To End On Joe Biden’s First Day As President

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2020-11-09T03:16:02+05:00 News Desk
United States president-elect Joe Biden plans to revoke Donald Trump’s travel bans on Muslims. The controversial ban put in place by Trump on travellers from 13 countries, most either majority-Muslim or African nations, had generated widespread criticism.

After assuming office in 2017, Trump ordered a ban on travellers from seven Muslim nations from entering the United States.

The executive order was faced by legal challenges due to which it was reworked several times. In 2018, the Supreme Court of the US issued a verdict upholding one of its version.

The Trump administration reworked the order several times amid legal challenges and the Supreme Court upheld a version of it in 2018. The countries subject to entry restrictions have changed over the years.

President-Elect Joe Biden had stated on multiple occasions that he would end the travel ban on his first day in the White House. The order can be revoked by the new president within no time, just the way it was issued. However, lawsuits from the proponents of the ban may cause delay in the process.
In October, Joe Biden had promised to work towards an end to the rising hate crimes in America. He had also said that Muslims will be well-represented in his administration.
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